A design for a magazine concept - F*cking Normal. A magazine to destigmatize elements of the human condition. In the first edition, the topic is loneliness and is aimed towards the loneliest demographic: people ages 18-25. Despite the common belief, that loneliness afflicts the old, young adults are more likely than any other demographic to describe themselves as lonely. This magazine aims to open up the conversation around loneliness in order to destigmatize and understand the experience.
Young adults from across the world were asked to participate in F*cking Normal by submitting a written piece and it could have any length and any format, in order to allow full expressive freedom. This resulted in writings from all across the globe, from Japan to Mongolia, from Slovakia to Egypt, from young people about their unique experiences with loneliness in order to show the universality of loneliness.
Additionally, articles, short stories and interviews were spaced between the writings in order to tackle the knowledge around loneliness as well as show loneliness also on a societal scale instead alongside the individual level.
The magazine has a color concept, in which it starts in black and white and ends in all perceivable colors. This was done in order to visually convey the broadening of the spectrum of understanding the human experience. It begins where many readers may as well, in surroundings of only light and shadow, and ends in the colorful reality we each experience.